
How to Recover When Floral Work Goes Awry

How to Recover When Floral Work Goes Awry

Jen Lagedrost Cavender

It is inevitable in event floral design, whether in the studio or on site, to have some kind of unexpected surprise, something go awry, or something go completely wrong (as...

How to Recover When Floral Work Goes Awry

Jen Lagedrost Cavender

It is inevitable in event floral design, whether in the studio or on site, to have some kind of unexpected surprise, something go awry, or something go completely wrong (as...

Summer: Pitta Season Tips for Balance & Wellbeing

Summer: Pitta Season Tips for Balance & Wellbeing

Jen Lagedrost Cavender

Summer is Pitta season, when the heat is highest, the days longest and brightest, and everything in nature all around us is busy blooming and fruiting and transforming the elements...

Summer: Pitta Season Tips for Balance & Wellbeing

Jen Lagedrost Cavender

Summer is Pitta season, when the heat is highest, the days longest and brightest, and everything in nature all around us is busy blooming and fruiting and transforming the elements...

Ayurvedic Chilled Chocolate Chai Recipe

Ayurvedic Chilled Chocolate Chai Recipe

Jen Lagedrost Cavender

In the summer, it’s hot, and Pitta dosha is high. While sweetness is to be enjoyed moderately and intentionally, it is a taste that is soothing for Pitta, as is...

Ayurvedic Chilled Chocolate Chai Recipe

Jen Lagedrost Cavender

In the summer, it’s hot, and Pitta dosha is high. While sweetness is to be enjoyed moderately and intentionally, it is a taste that is soothing for Pitta, as is...

Astrology in Flowers: Cancer

Astrology in Flowers: Cancer

Jen Lagedrost Cavender

Happy birthday season to all the magical, devoted, and deeply feeling Cancer crabbies out there! This is personally one of my personal favorite signs, and I am lucky enough to...

Astrology in Flowers: Cancer

Jen Lagedrost Cavender

Happy birthday season to all the magical, devoted, and deeply feeling Cancer crabbies out there! This is personally one of my personal favorite signs, and I am lucky enough to...

N&B Book Club Discussion Questions

N&B Book Club Discussion Questions

Jen Lagedrost Cavender

As a former professor of literature, hosting this book club is not only a joy but a natural way to share connection and expansion through the rich and enriching world...

N&B Book Club Discussion Questions

Jen Lagedrost Cavender

As a former professor of literature, hosting this book club is not only a joy but a natural way to share connection and expansion through the rich and enriching world...

Mentorship Experience with Freebird Florals

Mentorship Experience with Freebird Florals

Jen Lagedrost Cavender

Mentorships are one of my favorite experiences to offer because they are so personal and immersive — each of these private workshops is tailored to my student designer, their specific questions...

Mentorship Experience with Freebird Florals

Jen Lagedrost Cavender

Mentorships are one of my favorite experiences to offer because they are so personal and immersive — each of these private workshops is tailored to my student designer, their specific questions...