Astrology in Flowers: Scorpio

Astrology in Flowers: Scorpio

Scorpio season has arrived. Happy birthday to my fellow Scorpios! I love Scorpio season, partly because it houses the day of my birth, and also because it just feels like a potent, mystical time of year — like there’s some invisible shimmering dragon of energy swirling about as the season really shifts into deep transformation and rebirth.


Scorpio is a water sign, and Scorpios are deeply emotional, passionate and full of magic. Scorpios are known for being strong, enigmatic, intense, charismatic, passionate, and loyal, which can make them seem more like a fire sign; but Scorpios are also intuitive, determined, persistent, sensitive, curious, compassionate, and deep. They are driven and deeply devoted.




I’ve created Scorpio here in the language of flowers using an abundance of mystical and high-vibrational elements, including sliced citrus and stone fruit, cosmic phalaenopsis orchids, sun-bleached sago palms, clear quartz, and spinning ribbons of scented incense… May this mark a potent and deeply fulfilling doorway to your Scorpio season!



  •  DATES: October 23rd - November 21st
  • QUALITIES: strong, enigmatic, intense, charismatic, intuitive, loyal, passionate, obsessive, determined, stubborn, persistent, strategic, possessive, curious, deep
  • ELEMENT: Water
  • MODALITY: Fixed
  • PLANET: Pluto
  • FLOWERS: phalaenopsis orchid, sun-bleached sego palm, sliced pomegranate, winter citrus, & stone fruit
  • MECHANICS: ceramic bowl, floral pin frog, floral mounting putty



Scorpio embodies transformation, and Scorpio season brings us all into a deeper place of self-awareness as living beings born to continually evolve. This is a good time to shed and let go of a “skin” that no longer fits, of things in your closet or home that no longer serve you, or of habits or obligations that are no longer in alignment with who you are becoming. Scorpio energy is deeply curious, encouraging you to explore things that interest you and that enrich your life and empower you to expand.  



In the Tarot of Flowers, Scorpio is associated with Calla Lily, the Major Arcana card for Catharsis. Here is an excerpt from the Tarot of Flowers booklet giving insights into this flower and card:

“A white scroll unfurls, inviting you through a doorway to transformation — such is the experience called forth by Calla Lily. One of the oldest known flowers on Earth, Calla Lily is a symbol of spirituality, with its pure white, trumpet-shaped spathe, pierced at the center by a fragrant, finger-like spadix that directs your attention both downward inside and upward toward expansion [...] Change comes for all and spares none, a truth for which Calla Lily encourages you to let go and to make peace with what is. Notice with compassion where you may be struggling or holding on, and give yourself the grace and understanding that will help you feel safe enough to begin to release and gently move forward. [...] Lean in, and ready yourself for deep transformation.”

Tarot of Flowers makes a particularly perfect Scorpio season gift — Shop Tarot of Flowers here!  



Channel all of your power as love, dear Scorpio, and never apologize for your passion. Lean into your love of shamanistic transmutation to support yourself and others in the inherent (and sometimes quite exciting) transformations we go through as we evolve in this thing called life. Tap into your inner authenticity to support spiritual connection as well as healthy growth and change wherever you go.   


Share this post with a Scorpio you love! ♏️  






“Astrology in Flowers” is an ongoing creative project that I’ve built as a way to compose and share with you my love for flowers, language, astrology, and the experience of self-discovery. I encourage you to make space for your own creative explorations that connect your interests and furthermore connect you to the season surrounding you at this moment. Such projects are some of the most fun and rewarding of all to make and to share.  

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